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Sorting and Filtering Submissions List Table

On the Submissions list table, all the Submissions are displayed. By default, the Submissions are sorted by the Last Updated Date followed by the Rebate Due Date column data in descending order. The Validata application allows the Analyst to sort the Submissions and filter the Submissions on the Submission list table by applying the available filter options. The filter/sort choices made by the user will be retained from user session to user session until the user changes the options, either by resetting, changing the sort/filter, or selecting from the saved searches. The Analyst can save the filter/sort applied to the Submissions list table using the Saving Searches option.

Sorting the Submissions

The Analyst can sort the Submissions list table column-wise in ascending or descending order. 

  1. Click on the column header name. The Submission rows on the list table are refreshed and listed in ascending order.  The up arrow (displayed next to the column name) specifies on which column sorting is applied. 
  2. Click again on the column header name. The Submission rows on the list table are refreshed and listed in descending order.  The down arrow (displayed next to the column name) specifies on which column sorting is applied. 

Filtering the Submissions

The Analyst can filter the rows on the Submissions list table in one of the following ways:

  • Using the Filters option on the right side of the Submissions list table: 
    1. Click the Filters option.
    2. The list of column group headers and column names are displayed. 
    3. Expand the column name. Choose a filtering criterion like contains, equals etc.
    4. Enter the filtering text in the search box.
    5. Click Apply.
      The filtered Submission rows are listed on the Submissions list table.

Note: Following the above steps, you can apply a filter for multiple columns to view the data on the Submissions list table.

  • Using the Filter options from the column heading on the Submissions list table 
    • Mouse over the column header name and click on the three horizontal lines icon next to the column name.
    • In the Filter section, choose a filtering criterion like contains, equals etc.
    • Enter the filtering text in the search box.
    • Click Apply.
      The filtered Submission rows are listed on the Submissions list table.

Note: Following the above steps, you can apply a filter for multiple columns to view the data on the Submissions list table.

Viewing Applied Filter Details

The Analyst can view the applied filter details on the Submission page.

The Filters Applied field displays the number of filters applied to the Submission list table. On mouse hovering the tooltip icon, you can view the name of the columns and filter criteria used.


Saving Searches

The Save option allows the Analyst to save your search (i.e filter and sort applied). The Analyst can use the saved searches to view the Submissions based on the business requirement.

To save the search:

  1. Apply either sorting or filtering on the Submissions list table. The Save icon is shown on the Submissions page. 
    Note: When sorting or filtering is not applied, the Save icon does not appear on the  Submissions page.
  2. Click the Save icon.
    Save Searches window is displayed.
  3. Enter a unique name for your search in the Name text box.
    Note: An alert message is displayed when an existing name is specified.
  4. Select a color that will be represented for the saved search.
  5. Select Set as default search view for this page to make this saved search a default view for the Submissions page. When you do not opt-in, the Set as default search view, then the last applied filter and sorting are shown when the user accesses the Submissions page in the same session or the next login. 
  6. Click the Save button. The saved searches are displayed on the Submissions page.


Manage Saved Searches

The Manage Saved Searches option allows the Analyst to manage the previously saved searches in the system.  Click the Manage Saved Searches option; the following window is displayed.


On the Manage Saved Searches window:

  • You can delete a saved search.
  • Click the tooltip icon ManageSavedSearchToolTip.jpgto view the details about applied filter criteria.

After making any changes, click the Save button.

Clearing applied Sorting and Filters

When you have applied any sorting and filter preference to view the Submissions list table, you can clear the filter and sort applied using the Clear option. To remove the applied filter and sort, click the Clear icon.

Note: The Clear action will remove all the applied filters and sort to the Submissions list page level.


To remove the filter applied to individual columns on the Submissions table, perform the reset action at column.

  • Using the Filters option on the right side of the Submissions list table: 
    1. Click the Filters option. The list of column group headers and column names is displayed. 
    2. You can see a filter icon next to the column name on which the filter is applied.
    3. Click Reset to remove the filter applied to the column.
  • Using the Filter options from the column heading on the Submissions list table 
    1. Mouse over the column header name and click on the three horizontal lines icon next to the column name.
    2. In the filter section, click the Reset button.







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