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Viewing the files added within a Coverage Gap Submission


When a Coverage Gap Submission is created, the Validation Analyst can view all files added within a submission within the Submission details UI on the File tab. On the File tab, the Analyst can see the included files, change the included file settings, add a file, delete a selected file, etc., for the Submission.

Note: When a Submission file import or any actions are in processing Status, the Validation Analyst can not make and save any changes in the File tab.

The File tab contains two sections:

  • Select additional file

  • Uploaded files

Select additional file

The Select additional files section allows the Analyst to add files to the Submission. At any point in time, after a Submission is created, the Analyst can select and add more files to it.

Note: The Validation Analyst can only upload two files (one data file and one invoice file) to a Coverage Gap Submission.

Similarly, like adding files to a Submission when creating a new Submission, the Analyst can add files from the Local System and assign File Type and Mapping Set to the additional file. For more information, see the File Selection section in the Coverage Gap Submission Creation.

Uploaded files

The Uploaded files table lists all the added files within the Submission. The Analyst can only change the assigned Mapping Set to the file. Other details can be only viewed and not changed.

On the Uploaded files table, the Analyst can view the following details for the uploaded files:

File Name: The Name of the Coverage Gap Invoice or Coverage Gap Data file.

File Type: The Type of the file i.e Data or Invoice.

Mapping Set: The Name of the Mapping Set assigned to the file. The Analyst can change the assigned Mapping Set

Included Date: The date and time the file was included in the Submission.

Date Received: The date when the file was received.

Start End Date: Rebate period of the file.

Note: When the Analyst changes the Mapping set for a file included in the Submission, the file will be re-imported when the Analyst saves the changes done in the Uploaded files table.

The Save button is enabled on the page when the user changes any file details in the Uploaded file table. Click the Save button to save the changes made. A confirmation message is displayed:


Delete Included File

The Analyst can only delete the Coverage Gap Invoice file included in the Submission, The Coverage Gap data file can not be removed.


  • The selected files will be removed from the current Submission but will not delete the files from the File Disk System. When the user reuses the file with the same file name that was deleted previously, a validation error message will be displayed:
    <File Name> was uploaded previously. Please use a different file.

  • When a Validation Analyst deletes any files within a Submission after a validation has been completed, the validation results from those file's lines should be removed from the Data Line tab list table and Process and results overview section on the submission Overview tab.

To delete a file:

  • Select the file.

  • Click the Delete icon.



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