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Overriding Coverage Gap Submission Line Validation Result

The Validata application allows the Validation Analyst to override the validation results so that the Analyst can manually control the status of Coverage Gap Submission Data Lines. The Analyst can change the following validation results:

  • Overriding Line status

  • Overriding the severity level of the error code from Major to Warning

Overriding Line status

When a Coverage Gap Submission is validated, the Coverage Gap Data file lines are assigned with one of the following Line Status based on the error severity assigned after validation:

  • New: The Line Status column displays New when a Submission is created and not validated.

  • Included: The Line is assigned with Included Status in one of the following scenarios:
    When the Coverage Gap data line is not stamped with any Error Codes.
    When the Coverage Gap data line is assigned with Error Code but its severity level of error is of type Warming.

  • Excluded: When Submission is validated using a Validation Set, and the submitted Coverage Gap Data line is stamped with an Error Code of severity level Critical or Major, the line is assigned an Excluded status.

The Validation Analyst can override the Line Status for the Coverage Gap Data file line in the following ways:

  • The Line Status of a line can be manually updated from Included to Excluded.

  • The Line Status of a line can be manually updated from Excluded to Included only when the Error Code severity level is of type Major. The Line Status of a data line with an Error Code severity level of Critical can not be overridden. 

How to Override Line Status

To override the Line Status:

  1. Navigate to the Coverage Gap Submission > Data lines (tab).

  2. Select the lines you want to override the Line Status on the Data Lines table. You can either select one or more rows on the list table by selecting the individual rows or for a bulk update of all the rows listed on the Data lines list table, you can select the check box at the header level.

  3. The Override Line Status option is displayed.
    Note: When either one or more selected rows for line status override contains an Error Code of severity level Critical, the Override Line Status option remains disabled on the user interface.

  4. Click Override Line Status. The override line status options are displayed.
    Override Line Status.jpg

  5. Select one of the following line status options from the drop-down list.

    1. Include

    2. Exclude

  6. Click Apply.
    A confirmation message is displayed on the page, showing the count of line overridden.

When a Coverage Gap data line Status is overridden manually from Excluded to Included or vice versa, the Line Status column displays one of the following values:

  • Override -Excluded

  • Override - Included

Note: When the current Line Status is only selected, there will be no changes updated for the row in the Data lines list table, For example, one data line is stamped as Excluded Line Status. When performing the Override Line Status, the user selects the Exclude option from the Override line status, then there will be changes reflected on the data line on the list table and the history will not be captured for the action.

Overriding Error severity level

When a Coverage Gap Submission is validated, the Validation Analyst can view the Error Codes tagged to the Coverage Gap data line on the Data Lines tab.


  • An empty value is displayed Until the Submission is validated using a Validation Set.

  • An empty value is displayed when a Submission is validated, but the lines do not have any errors. 

Each error code is displayed in the column as an abbreviation of the complete error code with a color shading to indicate the severity level.

  • Warning (Yellow)

  • Major (Orange)

  • Critical (Red)

The Validata application allows the Analyst to override the severity of the error from a severity level of Major to Warning for the selected lines in the Data lines list table.

How to override Error Severity Level

To override the severity level of the error code:

  1. Navigate to the Submission > Data lines (tab).

  2. On the Data lines list table, select the lines you want to override the severity level. You can either select one or more rows on the list table by selecting the individual rows or for a bulk update of all the rows listed on the Data lines list table, you can select the check box at the header level.

  3. The View Error Overrides tab is displayed.

    If all line(s) selected only have warning and/or critical errors, the View Error Overrides button remains inactive.
    If all line(s) selected have no errors, the View Error Overrides button remains inactive.

  4. The Error Overrides window is displayed.

    In the Error overrides window:

    • When only one line is selected for overriding the error severity level, you can view the Selected Line’s ID in the header section.

    • When more than one line is selected for overriding the error severity level, you can view the count of lines selected in the header section.

      Note: Errors that have a Critical severity cannot be overridden. They are not listed on the Error Overrides window.

  5. In the Error Override table, the following details are displayed:

    • Error: Abbreviated error code. Hover on the Error Code to view the full description of the respective Error Code.

    • Override: The Override toggle enables the Analyst to override the severity level for an error and indicates whether it has been overridden or not.

    • Result: Indicates the override action result.

    • Selected Line Count: Indicates the line count that contains the Error Code.

  6. To override the severity level of Errors, do one of the following:

    1. For overriding all rows or more than one selected row Error severity level:

      • In the Error overrides window, select all the lines by selecting the check box in the header row or select the individual lines by selecting the check box.

      • Click the Override button.

        The Override toggle is displayed.

      • By default, the Override toggle is set to No. Set it to Yes to override the severity level.

      • Click Apply.

      • The severity level has been overridden from Major to Warning for all the Error Codes for the selected lines.

    2. To override the severity level of each line, in the Override column, set the Override toggle as to Yes.

  7. Specify the reason for error severity override in the Override Reason text box. You can either select one of the pre-configured reasons that are populated on clicking the text or you can add a new reason text. Multiple reasons can be selected or added by the Analyst.

    • The pre-configured reasons are configured in the configuration file. For more information refer to the Validata Technical Administrator guide.

    • Only those lines that got overridden will contain the overriding reason specified. For any lines that were not impacted by the error severity overriding action, the reason is not applicable to them.

    • The Analyst can update the Override Reason for overriding the error severity. The updated reason code for the impacted lines will be displayed on the Data lines list table.

  8. Specify any specific comments for performing the error severity override in the Override Comment text box.

    • Only those lines that got overridden will contain the overriding comment specified. For any lines that were not impacted by the error severity overriding action, the comment is not applicable to them.

    • The Analyst can update the comment to override the error severity. The updated comment text for the impacted lines will be displayed on the Data lines list table.

  9. Click the Save button.

Once the error severity is lowered from Major to Warning, on the Data lines list table, the Line Status column value is updated to ‘Override-Included’.


  • When a line has more than one error, when all the Error Codes severity levels have been lowered from Major to Warning, then only the line status will be changed to ‘Override included.’

  • When a line has more than one error, and the Validation Analyst only lowered the severity level of fewer Error Codes and left few Error Codes with their original severity level, the line status will be changed to ‘Override-excluded’. This specifies that the Line’s error code severity level has been overridden, but few Error Codes still have either Critical or Major severity.

When a Coverage Gap Submission is validated and after validation completion, the user manually overrode the Line Status from Excluded to Included, or when the Line's Error Code severity has been overridden, that resulted in the Line Status update to Override—Included. When the user revalidates the same Submission, after validation is completed, the overridden Line Status value (Override—Included) will not be retained on the Coverage Gap Submission data line. The Data Line will either be assigned the same Error Code and Line Status that was previously assigned when the Submission was first validated or if there are any changes to the data line, the Error Code and Line Status will be changed according to the result yielded from the most recent validation run.


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