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Viewing Submission History

The Validation Analyst can view the history of any Submission. In the History window for a selected Submission, the Analyst can see the historical context for the Submission and all the files included in the Submission like Submission created, file uploaded completed, new files added to Submission, etc.. along with the User name and time stamp when the action was done for the Submission or the files included to the Submission.

How to view Submission History

The Analyst can view the Submission history by following one of the below methods:

  1. On the Submissions list table, right-click on the Submission row.

  2. Select the History option.

The History window is displayed.


  1. On the Submissions list table, click the Submission Name link. The Submission details page is displayed.

  2. Click the ellipsis (three dots) in the Submission details section, and select the History option.

    The History window is displayed.

History Details

In the History window, the rows are sorted in ascending order based on the Date/Time column.

In the History window, the following details are displayed:

  1. Status: Specifies what was the Status of the Submission when the history was logged.

    • Action: Specifies Submission or File level action for which the history was logged.

    • Target Object: Specifies for the respective history the target is the Submission record or the File included in the Submission.

    • Target Name: Specifies the name of the target. One of the following values is displayed:

      • Name of the Submission for the Submission level actions such as Create, Validate, Publish, Export, Publish Reversals, Export Reversals, update (Submission level update actions such as change contract and edit submission via Manage Details).

      • Name of the File for File level actions such as Upload, Delete, and update (file level update actions such as a change in Medicaid Benefit, Mapping set, Medicaid Benefit Rule set, Send for 340B Evaluation).

    • Details: Specifies the details executed when the history was logged in the respective action.

    • User: Specifies the name of the logged-in user who completed the task, like creating the Submission, updating the Submission, or adding a file to a Submission etc..

    • Date/Time: Specifies the date and time when the task was executed for which the history was logged. 

  2. The user can search and filter the history rows in the History window.

    • The Search text box allows the Analyst to search for the history row in the history window.

    • You can search for history information only using the Status column value.

  3. The Analyst can also sort and filter the information in the table at the individual column header-wise.

  4. The Analyst can download the Submission history details using the Download option.

Non-Coverage Gap Submission History Actions

The following table lists the Actions for a Non-Coverage Gap Submission and the details for which the history is captured:

Action Name



History is captured when the Submission is created.


When files are getting added to the Submission for the first time. Both file import and re-import are mapped to the upload action.


When an included file is deleted from the Submission.


When a Submission is validated.


Submission creation in the downstream Payer application is executed.


Export/Re-Export the validated Submission lines.

Publish Reversals

Submission creation for the reversal lines in the downstream Payer application.

Export Reversals

Export/Re-Export Reversals.


When changes are done in the Submission at the Submission header or File level.



When the utilization line (single or bulk) error is overridden.


When the line status (single or bulk) is manually overridden to Exclude.


When the line status (single or bulk) is manually overridden to Include.

Non-Coverage Gap Submission History Actions

The following table lists the Actions for a Coverage Gap Submission and the details for which the history is captured:

Action Name



History is captured when the Submission is created.


When files are getting added to the Submission for the first time. File upload is applicable to CG Data, CG Invoice, and TPA (Return and Resolution).
Note: For TPA dispute files, the Mapping Set name will not be displayed in the Target Name column.


When an included file is deleted from the Submission.


When a Submission is validated.


When changes are done in the Submission at the Submission header or File level.

Dispute Information

When dispute information is added/edited.


When the line status (single or bulk) is manually overridden to Include.


When the line status (single or bulk) is manually overridden to Exclude.


When the utilization line (single or bulk) error is overridden.


When the action is made to the Dispute toggle (single or bulk).

Export Dispute - Submitted

Captured when a data file export is generated for the dispute process.

Export Dispute - Resubmitted

Captured when a dispute file is exported that contains lines with a dispute status of Ready to Re-submit.


Captured when the user performs an undo action (bulk is captured as one action).

Submission History for Bulk Action

On the Submissions grid, the validation analyst can initiate bulk action on the selected Submissions like:

  1. Validate

  2. Publish/Export

  3. Reversal Action

  4. Publish Reversals

  5. View Lines

The history is logged for the bulk Submission actions as listed in the following table:

Bulk Action

History value


Batch Validate

Error override

Batch Error Override

Update line status

Batch Line Status Override

Change contract

Batch Change Contract


Batch Export


Batch Publish

Export Reversals

Batch Export Reversal

Publish Reversals

Batch Publish Reversal

Accept on reversals

Batch Accept

Skip on reversals

Batch Skip



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